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Archive by month: May 2018

22.05.2018 2018 RussiaТверь

Lake Seliger. A car journey.

A weekend trip along the route Podolsk → Tver → Torzhok → Seliger → the Nilov Monastery on Stolobny Island. Here we continue testing our "house on four wheels" and discovering new pearls of central Russia.Read more

15.05.2018 2018 RussiaVideo

Going to the Crimea with my own house. A car journey.

It's just a pleasure to drive along the M-4 DON highway! I mean, from Moscow to Voronezh and plus a two hundred kilometer distance further. Then toll roads end and it becomes not so fun. I got stuck for about an hour in one of the traffic jams because of one bridge being repaired.Read more