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A motorbike journey to the Edge of the World, part 3. Shikotan

A motorbike trip to Sakhalin and the Kurile Islands. A small green tug with painted Japanese hieroglyphs on the board buried its nose into the side of a huge ship Igor Farkhutdinov, pushing it to the pier.Read more

A motorbike journey to the Edge of the World, part 2. Kunashir

The Korsakov seaport, where ships depart from for the Kurile Islands, is located 40 km from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Yandex taxi will take you there in 40 minutes and it will cost you 1100 roubles.Read more

A Motorbike journey to the Edge of the World, part 1. Khabarovsk, Sakhalin

Two years ago our trip to the Russian Far East was interrupted in the most unexpected and unpleasant way. When we were 120 km from the port of Vanino (we were in a hurry to catch a ferry to Sakhalin) an old Mazda took me off the highwayRead more

01.07.2013 2013 RussiaSakhalin

My discovery of Sakhalin.

Мы прилетели в Южно-Сахалинск утром 21 июля 2013 г рейсом аэрофлота, 8,5 часов над всей страной. Встретил нас хозяин базы Владимир Бардин, очень интересный человек. Профессиональный аквалангист советской школы, (не дайвер ), простой, открытый русский мужик, интересный рассказчик, влюбленный в Сахалин и увлеченный своим делом человек. База находится в западной части бухтыRead more