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Север России

На снегоходах по Приполярному Уралу.

Рейс UT-596 Усинск — Москва авиакомпании Utair отменен по метеорологическим причинам. Хочешь рассмешить Бога — расскажи ему о своих планах на Крайнем Севере. Мое очередное путешествие по северным регионам нашей необъятной Родины прошло под этим девизом. Пять дней и ночей наша команда под руководством широко известного в узких кругах путешественника Ключникова АндреяRead more

"The adequate heroes will always take the bypass".

And drive along it just like us. We are following the roundabout way to the White Sea. This time we have decided to explore a new route to Arkhangelsk. In 2020 we didn't manage to ride by motorbikes along the Mezen river from Leshukonskoye village to Usogorsk following the ground roads washed out by rains.Read more

A snowmobile expedition to the Arctic Ocean.

This trip to the Arctic goes right after the trip to Africa! This year our trip to the north of Russia by snowmobiles, which has already become a traditional one, fell on the second half of March. Now we have to overcome a distance of about seven hundred kilometres long across the southern and central part of the Kola Peninsula.Read more

A trip across the north of Russia

There is one sea on the Earth that I have kept visiting every year for the last 16 years. Do you think it's the Black sea or the Red one? Or maybe the Mediterranean? No, you didn't guess! Near this sea there are no palm trees and snow-white beaches, there are no colourful fish and bright corals, there are no luxury hotels and only few tourists.Read more